NERSC Installation

If you have not set a Python environment already, we recommend using this module:

module load python/3.7-anaconda-2019.07

You can put this line in your .bashrc.ext in order to load it automatically when logging in.

Then, clone pixell and install as follows,

git clone
cd pixell
python build_ext -i --fcompiler=intelem --compiler=intelem

Make sure to test the installation


which should display no errors.

and then finally symbolically link pixell into your Python path

pip install -e . --user

To update your installation,

git pull origin master
python build_ext -i --fcompiler=intelem --compiler=intelem
pip install -e . --user

Note that all of this assumes you will be using the default Intel suite on NERSC. If for some reason you have set up your environment to use GNU, then you should not include –fcompiler=intelem –compiler=intelem in any of the above.