Source code for pixell.wcsutils

"""This module defines shortcuts for generating WCS instances and working
with them. The bounding boxes and shapes used in this module all use
the same ordering as WCS, i.e. column major (so {ra,dec} rather than
{dec,ra}). Coordinates are assigned to pixel centers, as WCS does natively,
but bounding boxes include the whole pixels, not just their centers, which
is where the 0.5 stuff comes from."""
import numpy as np, warnings
from astropy.wcs import WCS, FITSFixedWarning

# Turn off annoying warning every time a WCS object is constructed
	warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FITSFixedWarning)
except AssertionError:
	# This try/catch is a hack for readthedocs builds.

# Handle annoying python3 stuff
try: basestring
except: basestring = str
[docs]def streq(x, s): return isinstance(x, basestring) and x == s
# The origin argument used in the wcs pix<->world routines seems to # have to be 1 rather than the 0 one would expect. For example, # if wcs is CAR(crval=(0,0),crpix=(0,0),cdelt=(1,1)), then # pix2world(0,0,1) is (0,0) while pix2world(0,0,0) is (-1,-1). # # No! the problem is that everythin in the fits header counts from 1, # so the default crpix should be (1,1), not (0,0). With # CAR(crval(0,0),crpix(1,1),cdelt(1,1)) we get # pix2world(1,1,1) = (0,0) and pix2world(0,0,0) = (0,0) # Useful stuff to be able to do: # * Create a wcs from (point,res) # * Create a wcs from (box,res) # * Create a wcs from (box,shape) # * Create a wcs from (point,res,shape) # Can support this by taking arguments: # pos: point[2] or box[2,2], mandatory # res: num or [2], optional # shape: [2], optional # In cases where shape is not specified, the implied # shape can be recovered from the wcs and a box by computing # the pixel coordinates of the corners. So we don't need to return # it. # 1. Construct wcs from box, res (and return shape?) # 2. Construct wcs from box, shape # 3. Construct wcs from point, res (this is the most primitive version) deg2rad = np.pi/180 rad2deg = 1/deg2rad
[docs]def explicit(naxis=2, **args): wcs = WCS(naxis=naxis) for key in args: setattr(wcs.wcs, key, args[key]) return wcs
[docs]def describe(wcs): """Since astropy.wcs.WCS objects do not have a useful str implementation, this function provides a relpacement.""" sys = wcs.wcs.ctype[0][-3:].lower() n = wcs.naxis fields = ("cdelt:["+",".join(["%.4g"]*n)+"],crval:["+",".join(["%.4g"]*n)+"],crpix:["+",".join(["%.2f"]*n)+"]") % (tuple(wcs.wcs.cdelt) + tuple(wcs.wcs.crval) + tuple(wcs.wcs.crpix)) pv = wcs.wcs.get_pv() for p in pv: fields += ",pv[%d,%d]=%.3g" % p return "%s:{%s}" % (sys, fields)
# Add this to all WCSes in this class WCS.__repr__ = describe WCS.__str__ = describe
[docs]def equal(wcs1, wcs2,flags=1,tol=1e-14): return, flags, tol)
[docs]def nobcheck(wcs): res = wcs.deepcopy() res.wcs.bounds_check(False, False) return res
[docs]def is_compatible(wcs1, wcs2, tol=1e-3): """Checks whether two world coordinate systems represent (shifted) versions of the same pixelizations, such that every pixel center in wcs1 correspond to a pixel center in wcs2. For now, they also have to have the pixels going in the same direction.""" h1 = wcs1.to_header() h2 = wcs2.to_header() keys = sorted(list(set(h1.keys())&set(h2.keys()))) for key in keys: if key.startswith("CRVAL") or key.startswith("CRPIX") or key.startswith("CDELT"): continue if key not in h2 or h2[key] != h1[key]: return False if np.max(np.abs(wcs1.wcs.cdelt-wcs2.wcs.cdelt))/np.min(np.abs(wcs1.wcs.cdelt)) > tol: return False crdelt = wcs1.wcs.crval - wcs2.wcs.crval cpdelt = wcs1.wcs.crpix - wcs2.wcs.crpix subpix = (crdelt/wcs1.wcs.cdelt - cpdelt + 0.5)%1-0.5 if np.max(np.abs(subpix)) > tol: return False return True
[docs]def is_plain(wcs): """Determines whether the given wcs represents plain, non-specific, non-wrapping coordinates or some angular coordiante system.""" return get_proj(wcs) in ["","plain"]
[docs]def is_cyl(wcs): """Returns True if the wcs represents a cylindrical coordinate system""" return get_proj(wcs) in ["cyp","cea","car","mer"] and wcs.wcs.crval[1] == 0
[docs]def get_proj(wcs): if isinstance(wcs, str): return wcs else: toks = wcs.wcs.ctype[0].split("-") return toks[-1].lower() if len(toks) >= 2 else ""
[docs]def scale(wcs, scale=1, rowmajor=False, corner=False): """Scales the linear pixel density of a wcs by the given factor, which can be specified per axis. This is the same as dividing the pixel size by the same number.""" scale = np.zeros(2)+scale if rowmajor: scale = scale[::-1] wcs = wcs.deepcopy() if not corner: wcs.wcs.crpix -= 0.5 wcs.wcs.crpix *= scale wcs.wcs.cdelt /= scale if not corner: wcs.wcs.crpix += 0.5 return wcs
[docs]def expand_res(res, default_dirs=[1,-1]): res = np.atleast_1d(res) assert res.ndim == 1, "Invalid res shape" if res.size == 1: return np.array(default_dirs)*res else: return res
# I need to update this to work better with full-sky stuff. # Should be easy to construct something that's part of a # clenshaw-curtis or fejer sky.
[docs]def plain(pos, res=None, shape=None, rowmajor=False, ref=None): """Set up a plain coordinate system (non-cyclical)""" pos, res, shape, mid = validate(pos, res, shape, rowmajor, default_dirs=[1,1]) w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.crval = mid if streq(ref, "standard"): ref = None return finalize(w, pos, res, shape, ref=ref)
[docs]def car(pos, res=None, shape=None, rowmajor=False, ref=None): """Set up a plate carree system. See the build function for details.""" pos, res, shape, mid = validate(pos, res, shape, rowmajor) w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---CAR", "DEC--CAR"] w.wcs.crval = np.array([mid[0],0]) if streq(ref, "standard"): ref = (0,0) return finalize(w, pos, res, shape, ref=ref)
[docs]def cea(pos, res=None, shape=None, rowmajor=False, lam=None, ref=None): """Set up a cylindrical equal area system. See the build function for details.""" pos, res, shape, mid = validate(pos, res, shape, rowmajor) if lam is None: lam = np.cos(mid[1]*deg2rad)**2 w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---CEA", "DEC--CEA"] w.wcs.set_pv([(2,1,lam)]) w.wcs.crval = np.array([mid[0],0]) if streq(ref, "standard"): ref = (0,0) return finalize(w, pos, res, shape, ref=ref)
[docs]def mer(pos, res=None, shape=None, rowmajor=False, ref=None): """Set up a mercator system. See the build function for details.""" pos, res, shape, mid = validate(pos, res, shape, rowmajor) w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---MER", "DEC--MER"] w.wcs.crval = np.array([mid[0],0]) if streq(ref, "standard"): ref = (0,0) return finalize(w, pos, res, shape, ref=ref)
[docs]def zea(pos, res=None, shape=None, rowmajor=False, ref=None): """Setups up an oblate Lambert's azimuthal equal area system. See the build function for details. Don't use this if you want a polar projection.""" pos, res, shape, mid = validate(pos, res, shape, rowmajor) w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---ZEA", "DEC--ZEA"] w.wcs.crval = mid w, ref = _apply_zenithal_ref(w, ref) return finalize(w, pos, res, shape, ref=ref)
# The airy distribution is a bit different, since is needs to # know the size of the patch.
[docs]def air(pos, res=None, shape=None, rowmajor=False, rad=None, ref=None): """Setups up an Airy system. See the build function for details.""" pos, res, shape, mid = validate(pos, res, shape, rowmajor) if rad is None: if pos.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Airy requires either rad or pos[2,2]") w = angdist(mid[0]*deg2rad,pos[0,1]*deg2rad,mid[0]*deg2rad,pos[1,1]*deg2rad)*rad2deg h = angdist(pos[0,0]*deg2rad,mid[1]*deg2rad,pos[1,0]*deg2rad,mid[1]*deg2rad)*rad2deg rad = (w+h)/4 w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---AIR","DEC--AIR"] w.wcs.set_pv([(2,1,90-rad)]) w, ref = _apply_zenithal_ref(w, ref) return finalize(w, pos, res, shape, ref=ref)
[docs]def tan(pos, res=None, shape=None, rowmajor=False, ref=None): """Set up a gnomonic (tangent plane) system. See the build function for details.""" pos, res, shape, mid = validate(pos, res, shape, rowmajor) w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN"] w.wcs.crval = mid w, ref = _apply_zenithal_ref(w, ref) return finalize(w, pos, res, shape, ref=ref)
systems = {"car": car, "cea": cea, "mer": mer, "air": air, "zea": zea, "tan": tan, "gnom": tan, "plain": plain }
[docs]def build(pos, res=None, shape=None, rowmajor=False, system="cea", ref=None, **kwargs): """Set up the WCS system named by the "system" argument. pos can be either a [2] center position or a [{from,to},2] bounding box. At least one of res or shape must be specified. If res is specified, it must either be a number, in which the same resolution is used in each direction, or [2]. If shape is specified, it must be [2]. All angles are given in degrees.""" return systems[system.lower()](pos, res, shape, rowmajor, ref=ref, **kwargs)
[docs]def validate(pos, res, shape, rowmajor=False, default_dirs=[1,-1]): pos = np.asarray(pos) if pos.shape != (2,) and pos.shape != (2,2): raise ValueError("pos must be [2] or [2,2]") if res is None and shape is None: raise ValueError("Atleast one of res and shape must be specified") if res is not None: res = np.atleast_1d(res) if res.shape == (1,): # If our shape has one entry, expand it to [y,x]. # Two cases: 1. [2,2] pos given, in which case it has responsibility for # the coordinate directions, so we don't introduce a sign here, and # 2. [2] pos is given, in which case it's res's responsibility. if pos.shape == (2,2): res = np.zeros(2)+res else: res = np.array(default_dirs)*res elif res.shape != (2,): raise ValueError("res must be num or [2]") if rowmajor: pos = pos[...,::-1] if shape is not None: shape = shape[::-1] if res is not None: res = res[::-1] if shape is not None: shape = shape[:2] if res is None and pos.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("pos must be a bounding box if res is not specified") mid = pos if pos.ndim == 1 else np.mean(pos,0) return pos, res, shape, mid
[docs]def finalize(w, pos, res, shape, ref=None): """Common logic for the various wcs builders. Fills in the reference pixel and resolution.""" w.wcs.crpix = [1,1] if res is None: # Find the resolution that gives our box the required extent. w.wcs.cdelt = [1,1] corners = w.wcs_world2pix(pos,1) w.wcs.cdelt *= (corners[1]-corners[0])/shape else: w.wcs.cdelt = res if pos.ndim == 2: w.wcs.cdelt[pos[1]<pos[0]] *= -1 if pos.ndim == 1: if shape is not None: # Place pixel origin at corner of shape centered on crval off = w.wcs_world2pix(pos[None],0)[0] w.wcs.crpix = np.array(shape)/2.0+0.5 - off else: # Make pos[0] the corner of the (0,0) pixel (counting from 0 for simplicity) off = w.wcs_world2pix(pos[0,None],0)[0]+0.5 w.wcs.crpix -= off if ref is not None: # Tweak wcs so that crval is an integer number of # pixels away from ref. This is most straight-forward # if one simply adjusts crpix. off = (w.wcs_world2pix(np.asarray(ref)[None], 1)[0] + 0.5) % 1 - 0.5 w.wcs.crpix -= off return w
def _apply_zenithal_ref(w, ref): """Input is a wcs w and ref is a position (dec,ra) or a special value (None, 'standard'). Returns tuple (w, ref_out). If ref is a position, it is copied into w.wcs.crval and ref_out=ref. Otherwise, w is unmodified and ref_out=w.wcs.crval.""" if isinstance(ref, str) and ref == 'standard': ref = None if ref is None: ref = w.wcs.crval else: w.wcs.crval = ref return w, ref
[docs]def angdist(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2): return np.arccos(np.cos(lat1)*np.cos(lat2)*(np.cos(lon1)*np.cos(lon2)+np.sin(lon1)*np.sin(lon2))+np.sin(lat1)*np.sin(lat2))
[docs]def fix_wcs(wcs, axis=0): """Returns a new WCS object which has had the reference pixel moved to the middle of the possible pixel space.""" res = wcs.deepcopy() # Find the center ra manually: mean([crval - crpix*cdelt, crval + (-crpix+shape)*cdelt]) # = crval + (-crpix+shape/2)*cdelt # What pixel does this correspond to? # crpix2 = crpix + (crval2-crval)/cdelt # But that requires shape. Can we do without it? Yes, let's use the # biggest possible shape. n = 360/cdelt n = abs(360/wcs.wcs.cdelt[axis]) delta_ra = wcs.wcs.cdelt[axis]*(n/2-wcs.wcs.crpix[axis]) delta_pix = delta_ra/wcs.wcs.cdelt[axis] res.wcs.crval[axis] += delta_ra res.wcs.crpix[axis] += delta_pix repr(res.wcs) # wcs not properly updated if I don't do this return res
[docs]def fix_cdelt(wcs): """Return a new wcs with pc and cd replaced by cdelt""" owcs = wcs.deepcopy() if wcs.wcs.has_cd(): del, owcs.wcs.pc owcs.wcs.cdelt *= np.diag( elif wcs.wcs.has_pc(): del, owcs.wcs.pc owcs.wcs.cdelt *= np.diag(wcs.wcs.pc) return owcs