Source code for pixell.reproject

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial
from . import wcsutils, utils, enmap, coordinates, fft, curvedsky

# Python 2/3 compatibility
try: basestring
except NameError: basestring = str

[docs]def thumbnails(imap, coords, r=5*utils.arcmin, res=None, proj=None, apod=2*utils.arcmin, order=3, oversample=4, pol=None, oshape=None, owcs=None, extensive=False, verbose=False, filter=None,pixwin=False,pixwin_order=0): """Given an enmap [...,ny,nx] and a set of coordinates in a numpy array coords with shape (n,2) and ordering [n,{dec,ra}], extract a set of thumbnail images [n,...,thumby,thumbx] centered on each set of coordinates, where n is the number of images. When proj is 'tan', each of these thumbnail images is projected onto a local tangent plane, removing the effect of size and shape distortions in the input map. If oshape, owcs are specified, then the thumbnails will have this geometry, which should be centered on [0,0]. Otherwise, a geometry with the given projection (defaults to "tan" = gnomonic projection) will be constructed, going up to a maximum radius of r. FIXME: Defaults to "car" instead while enmap.pixsizemap is buggy for non-cylindrical projections. The reprojection involved in this operation implies interpolation. The default is to use fft rescaling to oversample the input pixels by the given pixel, and then use bicubic spline interpolation to read off the values at the output pixel centers. The fft oversampling can be controlled with the oversample argument. Values <= 1 turns this off. The other interpolation step is controlled using the "order" argument. 0/1/3 corresponds to nearest neighbor, bilinear and bicubic spline interpolation respectively. If pol == True, then Q,U will be rotated to take into account the change in the local northward direction impled in the reprojection. The default is to do polarization rotation automatically if the input map has a compatible shape, e.g. at least 3 axes and a length of 3 for the 3rd last one. TODO: I haven't tested this yet. If extensive == True (not the default), then the map is assumed to contain an extensive field rather than an intensive one. An extensive field is one where the values in the pixels depend on the size of the pixel. For example, if the inverse variance in the map is given per pixel, then this ivar map will be extensive, but if it's given in units of inverse variance per square arcmin then it's intensive. For reprojecting inverse variance maps, consider using the wrapper thumbnails_ivar, which makes it easier to avoid common pitfalls. If pixwin is True, the pixel window will be deconvolved.""" # FIXME: Specifying a geometry manually is broken - see usage of r in neighborhood_pixboxes below # Handle arbitrary coords shape if proj is None: proj = "car" coords = np.asarray(coords) ishape = coords.shape[:-1] coords = coords.reshape(-1, coords.shape[-1]) # If the output geometry was not given explicitly, then build one if oshape is None: if res is None: res = min(np.abs(imap.wcs.wcs.cdelt))* oshape, owcs = enmap.thumbnail_geometry(r=r, res=res, proj=proj) # Check if we should be doing polarization rotation pol_compat = imap.ndim >= 3 and imap.shape[-3] == 3 if pol is None: pol = pol_compat if pol and not pol_compat: raise ValueError("Polarization rotation requested, but can't interpret map shape %s as IQU map" % (str(imap.shape))) nsrc = len(coords) if verbose: print("Extracting %d %dx%d thumbnails from %s map" % (nsrc, oshape[-2], oshape[-1], str(imap.shape))) opos = enmap.posmap(oshape, owcs) # Get the pixel area around each of the coordinates rtot = r + apod apod_pix = utils.nint(apod/(np.min(np.abs(imap.wcs.wcs.cdelt))* pixboxes = enmap.neighborhood_pixboxes(imap.shape, imap.wcs, coords, rtot) # Define our output maps, which we will fill below omaps = enmap.zeros((nsrc,)+imap.shape[:-2]+oshape, owcs, imap.dtype) for si, pixbox in enumerate(pixboxes): if oversample > 1: # Make the pixbox fft-friendly for i in range(2): pixbox[1,i] = pixbox[0,i] + fft.fft_len(pixbox[1,i]-pixbox[0,i], direction="above", factors=[2,3,5]) ithumb = imap.extract_pixbox(pixbox) if extensive: ithumb /= ithumb.pixsizemap() ithumb = ithumb.apod(apod_pix, fill="median") if pixwin: ithumb = enmap.unapply_window(ithumb, order=pixwin_order) if filter is not None: ithumb = filter(ithumb) if verbose: print("%4d/%d %6.2f %6.2f %8.2f %dx%d" % (si+1, nsrc, coords[si,0]/, coords[si,1]/, np.max(ithumb), ithumb.shape[-2], ithumb.shape[-1])) # Oversample using fourier if requested. We do this because fourier # interpolation is better than spline interpolation overall if oversample > 1: fshape = utils.nint(np.array(oshape[-2:])*oversample) ithumb = ithumb.resample(fshape, method="fft") # I apologize for the syntax. There should be a better way of doing this ipos = coordinates.transform("cel", ["cel",[[0,0,coords[si,1],coords[si,0]],False]], opos[::-1], pol=pol) ipos, rest = ipos[1::-1], ipos[2:] omaps[si] =, order=order) # Apply the polarization rotation. The sign is flipped because we computed the # rotation from the output to the input if pol: omaps[si] = enmap.rotate_pol(omaps[si], -rest[0]) if extensive: omaps *= omaps.pixsizemap() # Restore original dimension omaps = omaps.reshape(ishape + omaps.shape[1:]) return omaps
[docs]def thumbnails_ivar(imap, coords, r=5*utils.arcmin, res=None, proj=None, oshape=None, owcs=None, order=1, extensive=True, verbose=False): """Like thumbnails, but for hitcounts, ivars, masks, and other quantities that should stay positive and local. Remember to set extensive to True if you have an extensive quantity, i.e. if the values in each pixel would go up if multiple pixels combined. An example of this is a hitcount map or ivar per pixel. Conversely, if you have an intensive quantity like ivar per arcmin you should set extensive=False.""" return thumbnails(imap, coords, r=r, res=res, proj=proj, oshape=oshape, owcs=owcs, order=order, oversample=1, pol=False, extensive=extensive, verbose=verbose, pixwin=False)
[docs]def map2healpix(imap, nside=None, lmax=None, out=None, rot=None, spin=[0,2], method="harm", order=1, extensive=False, bsize=100000, nside_mode="pow2", boundary="constant", verbose=False, niter=0): """Reproject from an enmap to healpix, optionally including a rotation. imap: The input enmap[...,ny,nx]. Stokes along the -3rd axis if present. nside: The nside of the healpix map to generate. Not used if an output map is passed. Otherwise defaults to the same resolution as the input map. lmax: The highest multipole to use in any harmonic-space operations. Defaults to the input maps' Nyquist limit. out: An optional array [...,npix] to write the output map to. The ... part must match the input map, as must the data type. rot: An optional coordinate rotation to apply. Either a string "isys,osys", where isys is the system to transform from, and osys is the system to transform to. Currently the values "cel"/"equ" and "gal" are recognized. Alternatively, a tuple of 3 euler zyz euler angles can be passed, in the same convention as healpy.rotate_alm. spin: A description of the spin of the entries along the stokes axis. Defaults to [0,2], which means that the first entry is spin-0, followed by a spin-2 pair (any non-zero spin covers a pair of entries). If the axis is longer than what's covered in the description, then it is repeated as necessary. Pass spin=[0] to disable any special treatment of this axis. method: How to interpolate between the input and output pixelizations. Can be "harm" (default) or "spline". "harm" maps between them using spherical harmonics transforms. This preserves the power spectrum (so no window function is introduced), and averages noise down when the output pixels are larger than the input pixels. However, it can suffer from ringing around very bright features, and an all-positive input map may end up with small negative values. "spline" instead uses spline interpolation to look up the value in the intput map corresponding to each pixel center in the output map. The spline order is controlled with the "order" argument. Overall "harm" is best suited for normal sky maps, while "spline" with order = 0 or 1 is best suited for hitcount maps and masks. order: The spline order to use when method="spline". 0 corresponds to nearest neighbor interpolation. 1 corresponds to bilinear interpolation (default) 3 corresponds to bicubic spline interpolation. 0 and 1 are local and do not introduce values outside the input range, but introduce some aliasing and loss of power. 3 has less power loss, but still non-zero, and is vulnerable to ringing. extensive: Whether the map represents an extensive (as opposed to intensive) quantity. Extensive quantities have values proportional to the pixel size, unlike intensive quantities. Hitcount per pixel is an extensive quantity. Hitcount per square degree is an intensive quantity, as is a temperature map. Defaults to False. bsize: The spline method operates on batches of pixels to save memory. This controls the batch size, in pixels. Defaults to 100000. nside_mode: Controls which restrictions apply to nside in the case where it has to be inferred automatically. Can be "pow2", "mul32" and "any". "pow2", the default, results in nside being a power of two, as required by the healpix standard. "mul32" relaxes this requirement, making a map where nside is a multiple of 32. This is compatible with most healpix operations, but not with ud_grade or the nest pixel ordering. "any" allows for any integer nside. boundary: The boundary conditions assumed for the input map when method="spline". Defaults to "constant", which assumes that anything outsize the map has a constant value of 0. Another useful value is "wrap", which assumes that the right side wraps over to the left, and the top to the bottom. See scipy.ndimage.distance_transform's documentation for other, less useful values. method="harm" always assumes "constant" regardless of this setting. verbose: Whether to print information about what it's doing. Defaults to False, which doesn't print anything. Typical usage: * map_healpix = map2healpix(map, rot="cel,gal") * ivar_healpix = map2healpix(ivar, rot="cel,gal", method="spline", spin=[0], extensive=True) """ # Get the map's typical resolution from cdelt ires = np.mean(np.abs(imap.wcs.wcs.cdelt))* lnyq = np.pi/ires if out is None: if nside is None: nside = restrict_nside(((4*np.pi/ires**2)/12)**0.5, nside_mode) out = np.zeros(imap.shape[:-2]+(12*nside**2,), imap.dtype) npix = out.shape[-1] opixsize = 4*np.pi/npix # Might not be safe to go all the way to the Nyquist l, but looks that way to my tests. if lmax is None: lmax = lnyq if extensive: imap = imap * (opixsize / imap.pixsizemap(broadcastable=True)) # not /= to avoid changing original imap if method in ["harm", "harmonic"]: # Harmonic interpolation preserves the power spectrum, but can introduce ringing. # Probably not a good choice for positive-only quantities like hitcounts. # Coordinate rotation is slow. alm = curvedsky.map2alm(imap, lmax=lmax, spin=spin, niter=niter) if rot is not None: curvedsky.rotate_alm(alm, *rot2euler(rot), inplace=True) curvedsky.alm2map_healpix(alm, out, spin=spin) del alm elif method == "spline": # Covers both cubic spline interpolation (order=3), linear interpolation (order=1) # and nearest neighbor (order=0). Harmonic interpolation is preferable to cubic # splines, but linear and nearest neighbor may be useful. Coordinate rotation may # be slow. import healpy imap_pre = utils.interpol_prefilter(imap, npre=-2, order=order, mode=boundary) # Figure out if we need to compute polarization rotations pol = imap.ndim > 2 and any([s != 0 for s,c1,c2 in enmap.spin_helper(spin, imap.shape[-3])]) # Batch to save memory for i1 in range(0, npix, bsize): i2 = min(i1+bsize, npix) opix = np.arange(i1,i2) pos = healpy.pix2ang(nside, opix)[::-1] pos[1][:] = np.pi/2-pos[1] if rot is not None: # Not sure why the [::-1] is necessary here. Maybe psi,theta,phi vs. phi,theta,psi? pos = coordinates.transform_euler(inv_euler(rot2euler(rot))[::-1], pos, pol=pol) # The actual interpolation happens here vals =[1::-1], order=order, prefilter=False, mode=boundary) if rot is not None and imap.ndim > 2: # Update the polarization to account for the new coordinate system for s, c1, c2 in enmap.spin_helper(spin, imap.shape[-3]): if s != 0: vals = enmap.rotate_pol(vals, -pos[2], spin=s, comps=[c1,c2-1], axis=-2) out[...,i1:i2] = vals else: raise ValueError("Map reprojection method '%s' not recognized" % str(method)) return out
[docs]def healpix2map(iheal, shape=None, wcs=None, lmax=None, out=None, rot=None, spin=[0,2], method="harm", order=1, extensive=False, bsize=100000, verbose=False, niter=0): """Reproject from healpix to an enmap, optionally including a rotation. iheal: The input healpix map [...,npix]. Stokes along the -2nd axis if present. shape: The (...,ny,nx) shape of the output map. Only the last two entries are used, the rest of the dimensions are taken from iheal. Mandatory unless an output map is passed. wcs : The world woordinate system object the output map. Mandatory unless an output map is passed. lmax: The highest multipole to use in any harmonic-space operations. Defaults to 3 times the nside of iheal. out: An optional enmap [...,ny,nx] to write the output map to. The ... part must match iheal, as must the data type. rot: An optional coordinate rotation to apply. Either a string "isys,osys", where isys is the system to transform from, and osys is the system to transform to. Currently the values "cel"/"equ" and "gal" are recognized. Alternatively, a tuple of 3 euler zyz euler angles can be passed, in the same convention as healpy.rotate_alm. spin: A description of the spin of the entries along the stokes axis. Defaults to [0,2], which means that the first entry is spin-0, followed by a spin-2 pair (any non-zero spin covers a pair of entries). If the axis is longer than what's covered in the description, then it is repeated as necessary. Pass spin=[0] to disable any special treatment of this axis. method: How to interpolate between the input and output pixelizations. Can be "harm" (default) or "spline". "harm" maps between them using spherical harmonics transforms. This preserves the power spectrum (so no window function is introduced), and averages noise down when the output pixels are larger than the input pixels. However, it can suffer from ringing around very bright features, and an all-positive input map may end up with small negative values. "spline" instead uses spline interpolation to look up the value in the intput map corresponding to each pixel center in the output map. The spline order is controlled with the "order" argument. Overall "harm" is best suited for normal sky maps, while "spline" with order = 0 or 1 is best suited for hitcount maps and masks. order: The spline order to use when method="spline". 0 corresponds to nearest neighbor interpolation. 1 corresponds to bilinear interpolation (default) Higher order interpolation is not supported - use method="harm" for that. extensive: Whether the map represents an extensive (as opposed to intensive) quantity. Extensive quantities have values proportional to the pixel size, unlike intensive quantities. Hitcount per pixel is an extensive quantity. Hitcount per square degree is an intensive quantity, as is a temperature map. Defaults to False. bsize: The spline method operates on batches of pixels to save memory. This controls the batch size, in pixels. Defaults to 100000. verbose: Whether to print information about what it's doing. Defaults to False, which doesn't print anything. Typical usage: * map = healpix2map(map_healpix, shape, wcs, rot="gal,cel") * ivar = healpix2map(ivar_healpix, shape, wcs, rot="gal,cel", method="spline", spin=[0], extensive=True) """ iheal = np.asarray(iheal) npix = iheal.shape[-1] nside = curvedsky.npix2nside(npix) ipixsize = 4*np.pi/npix if out is None: out = enmap.zeros(iheal.shape[:-1]+shape[-2:], wcs, dtype=iheal.dtype) else: shape, wcs = out.geometry if lmax is None: lmax = 3*nside if method in ["harm", "harmonic"]: # Harmonic interpolation preserves the power spectrum, but can introduce ringing. # Probably not a good choice for positive-only quantities like hitcounts. # Coordinate rotation is slow. alm = curvedsky.map2alm_healpix(iheal, lmax=lmax, spin=spin, niter=niter) if rot is not None: curvedsky.rotate_alm(alm, *rot2euler(rot), inplace=True) curvedsky.alm2map(alm, out, spin=spin) del alm elif method == "spline": # Covers linear interpolation (order=1) and nearest neighbor (order=0). # Coordinate rotation may be slow. import healpy if order > 1: raise ValueError("Only order 0 and order 1 spline interpolation supported from healpix maps") # Figure out if we need to compute polarization rotations pol = iheal.ndim > 1 and any([s != 0 for s,c1,c2 in enmap.spin_helper(spin, iheal.shape[-2])]) # Batch to save memory brow = (bsize+out.shape[-1]-1)//out.shape[-1] for i1 in range(0, out.shape[-2], brow): i2 = min(i1+brow, out.shape[-2]) pos = out[...,i1:i2,:].posmap().reshape(2,-1)[::-1] if rot is not None: # Not sure why the [::-1] is necessary here. Maybe psi,theta,phi vs. phi,theta,psi? pos = coordinates.transform_euler(inv_euler(rot2euler(rot))[::-1], pos, pol=pol) pos[1] = np.pi/2 - pos[1] if order == 0: # Nearest neighbor. Just read off from the pixels vals = iheal[...,healpy.ang2pix(nside, pos[1], pos[0])] else: # Bilinear interpolation. healpy only supports one component at a time, so loop vals = np.zeros(iheal.shape[:-1]+pos.shape[-1:], iheal.dtype) for I in utils.nditer(iheal.shape[:-1]): vals[I] = healpy.get_interp_val(iheal[I], pos[1], pos[0]) if rot is not None and iheal.ndim > 1: # Update the polarization to account for the new coordinate system for s, c1, c2 in enmap.spin_helper(spin, iheal.shape[-2]): vals = enmap.rotate_pol(vals, -pos[2], spin=s, comps=[c1,c2-1], axis=-2) out[...,i1:i2,:] = vals.reshape(vals.shape[:-1]+(i2-i1,-1)) else: raise ValueError("Map reprojection method '%s' not recognized" % str(method)) if extensive: out *= out.pixsizemap(broadcastable=True)/ipixsize return out
[docs]def rot2euler(rot): """Given a coordinate rotation description, return the [rotz,roty,rotz] euler angles it corresponds to. The rotation desciption can either be those angles directly, or a string of the form isys,osys""" gal2cel = np.array([57.06793215, 62.87115487, -167.14056929])* if isinstance(rot, basestring): try: isys, osys = rot.split(",") except ValueError: raise ValueError("Rotation string must be of form 'isys,osys', but got '%s'" % str(rot)) R = spatial.transform.Rotation.identity() # Handle input system if isys in ["cel","equ"]: pass elif isys == "gal": R *= spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler("zyz", gal2cel) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized system '%s'" % isys) # Handle output system if osys in ["cel","equ"]: pass elif osys == "gal": R *= spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler("zyz", gal2cel).inv() else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized system '%s'" % osys) return R.as_euler("zyz") else: rot = np.asfarray(rot) return rot
[docs]def inv_euler(euler): return [-euler[2], -euler[1], -euler[0]]
[docs]def restrict_nside(nside, mode="mul32", round="ceil"): """Given an arbitrary Healpix nside, return one that's restricted in various ways according to the "mode" argument: "pow2": Restrict to a power of 2. This is required for compatibility with the rarely used "nest" pixel ordering in Healpix, and is the standard in the Healpix world. "mul32": Restrict to multiple of 32, unless 12*nside**2<=1024. This is enough to make the maps writable by healpy. "any": No restriction The "round" argument controls how any rounding is done. This can be one of the strings "ceil" (default), "round" or "floor", or you can pass in a custom function(nside) -> nside. In all cases, the final nside is converted to an integer and capped to 1 below. """ if isinstance(round, basestring): round = {"floor":np.floor, "round":np.round, "ceil":np.ceil}[round] if mode == "any": nside = round(nside) elif mode == "mul32": if 12*nside**2 > 1024: nside = round(nside/32)*32 elif mode == "pow2": nside = 2**round(np.log2(nside)) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized nside mode '%s'" % str(mode)) nside = max(1,int(nside)) return nside
################################ ####### Old stuff below ######## ################################
[docs]def centered_map(imap, res, box=None, pixbox=None, proj='car', rpix=None, width=None, height=None, width_multiplier=1., rotate_pol=True, **kwargs): """Reproject a map such that its central pixel is at the origin of a given projection system (default: CAR). imap -- (Ny,Nx) enmap array from which to extract stamps TODO: support leading dimensions res -- width of pixel in radians box -- optional bounding box of submap in radians pixbox -- optional bounding box of submap in pixel numbers proj -- coordinate system for target map; default is 'car'; can also specify 'cea' or 'gnomonic' rpix -- optional pre-calculated pixel positions from get_rotated_pixels() """ warnings.warn("reproject.centered_map is deprecated. Use reproject.thumbnails instead") if imap.ndim==2: imap = imap[None,:] ncomp = imap.shape[0] proj = proj.strip().lower() assert proj in ['car', 'cea'] # cut out a stamp assuming CAR ; TODO: generalize? if box is not None: pixbox = enmap.skybox2pixbox(imap.shape, imap.wcs, box) if pixbox is not None: omap = enmap.extract_pixbox(imap, pixbox) else: omap = imap sshape, swcs = omap.shape, omap.wcs # central pixel of source geometry dec, ra = enmap.pix2sky(sshape, swcs, (sshape[0] / 2., sshape[1] / 2.)) dims = enmap.extent(sshape, swcs) dheight, dwidth = dims if height is None: height = dheight if width is None: width = dwidth width *= width_multiplier tshape, twcs = rect_geometry( width=width, res=res, proj=proj, height=height) if rpix is None: rpix = get_rotated_pixels(sshape, swcs, tshape, twcs, inverse=False, pos_target=None, center_target=(0., 0.), center_source=(dec, ra)) rot = enmap.enmap(rotate_map(omap, pix_target=rpix[:2], **kwargs), twcs) if ncomp==3 and rotate_pol: rot[1:3] = enmap.rotate_pol(rot[1:3], -rpix[2]) # for polarization rotation if enough components return rot, rpix
[docs]def healpix_from_enmap_interp(imap, **kwargs): return imap.to_healpix(**kwargs)
[docs]def healpix_from_enmap(imap, lmax, nside): """Convert an ndmap to a healpix map such that the healpix map is band-limited up to lmax. Only supports single component (intensity) currently. The resulting map will be band-limited. Bright sources and sharp edges could cause ringing. Use healpix_from_enmap_interp if you are worried about this (e.g. for a mask), but that routine will not ensure power to be correct to some lmax. Args: imap: ndmap of shape (Ny,Nx) lmax: integer specifying maximum multipole of map nside: integer specifying nside of healpix map Returns: retmap: (Npix,) healpix map as array """ from pixell import curvedsky import healpy as hp alm = curvedsky.map2alm(imap, lmax=lmax, spin=0) if alm.ndim > 1: assert alm.shape[0] == 1 alm = alm[0] retmap = hp.alm2map(alm.astype(np.complex128), nside, lmax=lmax) return retmap
[docs]def enmap_from_healpix(hp_map, shape, wcs, ncomp=1, unit=1, lmax=0, rot="gal,equ", first=0, is_alm=False, return_alm=False, f_ell=None): """Convert a healpix map to an ndmap using harmonic space reprojection. The resulting map will be band-limited. Bright sources and sharp edges could cause ringing. Use enmap_from_healpix_interp if you are worried about this (e.g. for a mask), but that routine will not ensure power to be correct to some lmax. Args: hp_map: an (Npix,) or (ncomp,Npix,) healpix map, or alms, or a string containing the path to a healpix map on disk shape: the shape of the ndmap geometry to project to wcs: the wcs object of the ndmap geometry to project to ncomp: the number of components in the healpix map (either 1 or 3) unit: a unit conversion factor to divide the map by lmax: the maximum multipole to include in the reprojection rot: comma separated string that specify a coordinate rotation to perform. Use None to perform no rotation. e.g. default "gal,equ" to rotate a Planck map in galactic coordinates to the equatorial coordinates used in ndmaps. first: if a filename is provided for the healpix map, this specifies the index of the first FITS field is_alm: if True, interprets hp_map as alms return_alm: if True, returns alms also f_ell: optionally apply a transfer function f_ell(ell) -- this should be a function of a single variable ell. e.g., lambda x: exp(-x**2/2/sigma**2) Returns: res: the reprojected ndmap or the a tuple (ndmap,alms) if return_alm is True """ from pixell import curvedsky import healpy as hp, warnings warnings.warn("enmap_from_healpix is deprecated. Use healpix2map instead. enmap_from_healpix has not been tested after the port from libsharp to ducc0. It also uses a very inefficient approach for coordinate rotation.") dtype = np.float64 if not(is_alm): assert ncomp == 1 or ncomp == 3, "Only 1 or 3 components supported" ctype = np.result_type(dtype, 0j) # Read the input maps if type(hp_map) == str: m = np.atleast_2d(hp.read_map(hp_map, field=tuple( range(first, first + ncomp)))).astype(dtype) else: m = np.atleast_2d(hp_map).astype(dtype) if unit != 1: m /= unit # Perform the actual transform print("map -> alm") nside = hp.npix2nside(m.shape[1]) lmax = lmax or 3 * nside alm = curvedsky.map2alm_healpix(m, lmax=lmax) del m else: alm = hp_map if f_ell is not None: alm = curvedsky.almxfl(alm,f_ell) if rot is not None: # Rotate by displacing coordinates and then fixing the polarization print("Computing pixel positions") pmap = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs) if rot: print("Computing rotated positions") s1, s2 = rot.split(",") opos = coordinates.transform(s2, s1, pmap[::-1], pol=ncomp == 3) pmap[...] = opos[1::-1] if len(opos) == 3: psi = -opos[2].copy() del opos print("Projecting") res = curvedsky.alm2map_pos(alm, pmap) if rot and ncomp == 3: print("Rotating polarization vectors") res[1:3] = enmap.rotate_pol(res[1:3], psi) else: print("Projecting") res = enmap.zeros((len(alm),) + shape[-2:], wcs, dtype) res = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, res) if return_alm: return res,alm return res
[docs]def enmap_from_healpix_interp(hp_map, shape, wcs , rot="gal,equ", interpolate=False): """Project a healpix map to an enmap of chosen shape and wcs. The wcs is assumed to be in equatorial (ra/dec) coordinates. No coordinate systems other than equatorial or galactic are currently supported. Only intensity maps are supported. Args: hp_map: an (Npix,) healpix map shape: the shape of the ndmap geometry to project to wcs: the wcs object of the ndmap geometry to project to rot: comma separated string that specify a coordinate rotation to perform. Use None to perform no rotation. e.g. default "gal,equ" to rotate a Planck map in galactic coordinates to the equatorial coordinates used in ndmaps. interpolate: if True, bilinear interpolation using 4 nearest neighbours is done. """ warnings.warn("enmap_from_healpix_interp is deprecated. Use healpix2map instead.") import healpy as hp from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord import astropy.units as u eq_coords = ['fk5', 'j2000', 'equatorial'] gal_coords = ['galactic'] imap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs) Ny, Nx = shape pixmap = enmap.pixmap(shape, wcs) y = pixmap[0, ...].T.ravel() x = pixmap[1, ...].T.ravel() del pixmap posmap = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs) if rot is not None: s1, s2 = rot.split(",") opos = coordinates.transform(s2,s1, posmap[::-1], pol=None) posmap[...] = opos[1::-1] th = np.rad2deg(posmap[1, ...].T.ravel()) ph = np.rad2deg(posmap[0, ...].T.ravel()) del posmap if interpolate: imap[y, x] = hp.get_interp_val( hp_map, th, ph, lonlat=True) else: ind = hp.ang2pix(hp.get_nside(hp_map), th, ph, lonlat=True) del th del ph imap[:] = 0. imap[(y, x)] = hp_map[ind] del y del x return enmap.ndmap(imap, wcs)
[docs]def ivar_hp_to_cyl(hmap, shape, wcs, rot=False,do_mask=True,extensive=True): from . import mpi, utils import healpy as hp warnings.warn("ivar_hp_to_cyl is deprecated. Use healpix2map instead. See the example at the bottom of its docstring for how to do this with ivar maps") comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD rstep = 100 dtype = np.float32 nside = hp.npix2nside(hmap.size) dec, ra = enmap.posaxes(shape, wcs) pix = np.zeros(shape, np.int32) # Get the pixel area. We assume a rectangular pixelization, so this is just # a function of y ipixsize = 4 * np.pi / (12 * nside ** 2) opixsize = get_pixsize_rect(shape, wcs) nblock = (shape[-2] + rstep - 1) // rstep for bi in range(comm.rank, nblock, comm.size): if bi % comm.size != comm.rank: continue i = bi * rstep rdec = dec[i : i + rstep] opos = np.zeros((2, len(rdec), len(ra))) opos[0] = rdec[:, None] opos[1] = ra[None, :] if rot: # This is unreasonably slow ipos = coordinates.transform("equ", "gal", opos[::-1], pol=True) else: ipos = opos[::-1] pix[i : i + rstep, :] = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.pi / 2 - ipos[1], ipos[0]) del ipos, opos for i in range(0, shape[-2], rstep): pix[i : i + rstep] = utils.allreduce(pix[i : i + rstep], comm) omap = enmap.zeros((1,) + shape, wcs, dtype) imap = np.array(hmap).astype(dtype) imap = imap[None] if do_mask: bad = hp.mask_bad(imap) bad |= imap <= 0 imap[bad] = 0 del bad # Read off the nearest neighbor values omap[:] = imap[:, pix] if extensive: omap *= opixsize[:, None] / ipixsize # We ignore QU mixing during rotation for the noise level, so # it makes no sense to maintain distinct levels for them if do_mask: mask = omap[1:] > 0 omap[1:] = np.mean(omap[1:], 0) omap[1:] *= mask del mask return omap
# Helper functions
[docs]def gnomonic_pole_wcs(shape, res): Ny, Nx = shape[-2:] wcs = wcsutils.WCS(naxis=2) wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'] wcs.wcs.crval = [0., 0.] wcs.wcs.cdelt[:] = np.rad2deg(res) wcs.wcs.crpix = [Ny / 2. + 0.5, Nx / 2. + 0.5] return wcs
[docs]def gnomonic_pole_geometry(width, res, height=None): if height is None: height = width Ny = int(height / res) Nx = int(width / res) return (Ny, Nx), gnomonic_pole_wcs((Ny, Nx), res)
[docs]def rotate_map(imap, shape_target=None, wcs_target=None, shape_source=None, wcs_source=None, pix_target=None, **kwargs): if pix_target is None: pix_target = get_rotated_pixels( shape_source, wcs_source, shape_target, wcs_target) else: assert (shape_target is None) and ( wcs_target is None), "Both pix_target and shape_target, \ wcs_target must not be specified." rotmap =, pix_target[:2], unit="pix", **kwargs) return rotmap
[docs]def get_rotated_pixels(shape_source, wcs_source, shape_target, wcs_target, inverse=False, pos_target=None, center_target=None, center_source=None): """ Given a source geometry (shape_source,wcs_source) return the pixel positions in the target geometry (shape_target,wcs_target) if the source geometry were rotated such that its center lies on the center of the target geometry. WARNING: Only currently tested for a rotation along declination from one CAR geometry to another CAR geometry. """ # what are the center coordinates of each geometries if center_source is None: center_source = enmap.pix2sky( shape_source, wcs_source, (shape_source[0] / 2., shape_source[1] / 2.)) if center_target is None: center_target = enmap.pix2sky( shape_target, wcs_target, (shape_target[0] / 2., shape_target[1] / 2.)) decs, ras = center_source dect, rat = center_target # what are the angle coordinates of each pixel in the target geometry if pos_target is None: pos_target = enmap.posmap(shape_target, wcs_target) #del pos_target # recenter the angle coordinates of the target from the target center # to the source center if inverse: transfun = lambda x: coordinates.decenter(x, (rat, dect, ras, decs)) else: transfun = lambda x: coordinates.recenter(x, (rat, dect, ras, decs)) res = coordinates.transform_meta(transfun, pos_target[1::-1], fields=["ang"]) pix_new = enmap.sky2pix(shape_source, wcs_source, res.ocoord[1::-1]) pix_new = np.concatenate((pix_new,res.ang[None])) return pix_new
[docs]def cutout(imap, width=None, ra=None, dec=None, pad=1, corner=False, res=None, npix=None, return_slice=False,sindex=None): if type(imap) == str: shape, wcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(imap) else: shape, wcs = imap.shape, imap.wcs Ny, Nx = shape[-2:] def fround(x): return int(np.round(x)) iy, ix = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, coords=(dec, ra), corner=corner) if res is None: res = np.min(enmap.extent(shape, wcs) / shape[-2:]) if npix is None: npix = int(width / res) if fround(iy - npix / 2) < pad or fround(ix - npix / 2) < pad or \ fround(iy + npix / 2) > (Ny - pad) or \ fround(ix + npix / 2) > (Nx - pad): return None if sindex is None: s = np.s_[...,fround(iy - npix / 2. + 0.5):fround(iy + npix / 2. + 0.5), fround(ix - npix / 2. + 0.5):fround(ix + npix / 2. + 0.5)] else: s = np.s_[sindex,fround(iy - npix / 2. + 0.5):fround(iy + npix / 2. + 0.5), fround(ix - npix / 2. + 0.5):fround(ix + npix / 2. + 0.5)] if return_slice: return s cutout = imap[s] return cutout
[docs]def rect_box(width, center=(0., 0.), height=None): if height is None: height = width ycen, xcen = center box = np.array([[-height / 2. + ycen, -width / 2. + xcen], [height / 2. + ycen, width / 2. + xcen]]) return box
[docs]def get_pixsize_rect(shape, wcs): """Return the exact pixel size in steradians for the rectangular cylindrical projection given by shape, wcs. Returns area[ny], where ny = shape[-2] is the number of rows in the image. All pixels on the same row have the same area.""" ymin = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [-np.pi / 2, 0])[0] ymax = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [np.pi / 2, 0])[0] y = np.arange(shape[-2]) x = y * 0 dec1 = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, [np.maximum(ymin, y - 0.5), x])[0] dec2 = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, [np.minimum(ymax, y + 0.5), x])[0] area = np.abs((np.sin(dec2) - np.sin(dec1)) * wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] * np.pi / 180) return area
[docs]def rect_geometry(width, res, height=None, center=(0., 0.), proj="car"): shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=rect_box( width, center=center, height=height), res=res, proj=proj) return shape, wcs
[docs]def distribute(N,nmax): """ Distribute N things into cells as equally as possible such that no cell has more than nmax things. """ actual_max = int(2.*(nmax+1)/3.) numcells = int(round(N*1./actual_max)) each_cell = [actual_max]*(numcells-1) rem = N-sum(each_cell) if rem>0: each_cell.append(rem) assert sum(each_cell)==N return each_cell
[docs]def populate(shape,wcs,ofunc,maxpixy = 400,maxpixx = 400): """ Loop through tiles in a new map of geometry (shape,wcs) with tiles that have maximum allowed shape (maxpixy,maxpixx) such that each tile is populated with the result of ofunc(oshape,owcs) where oshape,owcs is the geometry of each tile. """ omap = enmap.zeros(shape,wcs) Ny,Nx = shape[-2:] tNys = distribute(Ny,maxpixy) tNxs = distribute(Nx,maxpixx) numy = len(tNys) numx = len(tNxs) sny = 0 ntiles = numy*numx print("Number of tiles = ",ntiles) done = 0 for i in range(numy): eny = sny+tNys[i] snx = 0 for j in range(len(tNxs)): enx = snx+tNxs[j] sel = np.s_[...,sny:eny,snx:enx] oshape,owcs = enmap.slice_geometry(shape,wcs,sel) omap[sel] = ofunc(oshape,owcs) snx += tNxs[j] done += 1 sny += tNys[i] print(done , " / ", ntiles, " tiles done...") return omap
[docs]def postage_stamp(inmap, ra_deg, dec_deg, width_arcmin, res_arcmin, proj='gnomonic', return_cutout=False, npad=3, rotate_pol=True, **kwargs): raise Exception("postage_stamp has been deprecated. Please use thumbnails instead.")