Source code for pixell.pointsrcs

"""Point source parameter I/O. In order to simulate a point source as it appears on
the sky, we need to know its position, amplitude and local beam shape (which can
also absorb an extendes size for the source, as long as it's gaussian). While other
properties may be nice to know, those are the only ones that matter for simulating
it. This module provides functions for reading these minimal parameters from
various data files.

The standard parameters are [nsrc,nparam]:
	dec (radians)
	ra (radians)
	[T,Q,U] amplitude at center of gaussian (uK)
	beam sigma (wide  axis) (radians)
	beam sigma (short axis) (radians)
	beam orientation (wide axis from dec axis)  (radians)

What do I really need to simulate a source?

1. Physical source on the sky (pos,amps,shape)
2. Telescope response (beam in focalplane)

For a point source 1.shape would be a point. But clusters and
nearby galaxies can have other shapes. In general many profiles are
possible. Parametrizing them in a standard format may be difficult.
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np, time
from import fits
from scipy import spatial
from . import utils, enmap, srcsim, wcsutils

#### Map-space source simulation ###

# New version. Usually 10 or more times faster than the old one, and with less memory
# overhead. But interface is a bit different, so it has a new name.
[docs]def sim_objects(shape, wcs, poss, amps, profile, prof_ids=None, omap=None, vmin=None, rmax=None, op="add", pixwin=False, pixwin_order=0, separable="auto", transpose=False, prof_equi="auto", cache=None, return_times=False): """Simulate radially symmetric objects with arbitrary profiles and amplitudes. Arguments: * shape, wcs: The geometry of the patch to simulate. Only shape[-2:] is used. amps determines the pre-dimensions * poss: The positions of the objects. [{dec,ra},nobj] in radians. * amps: The central amplitudes of the objects. [...,nobj]. Not the same as the flux. * profile: The profiles to use. Either [{r,b(r)},nsamp] or a list of such. Optional arguments: * prof_ids: Which profile to use for each source. Defaults to use the first profile for all. Only necessary to specify if you want to simulate objects with varying profiles. If specified, it should be [nobj] indices into the profile list. * omap: Update this map instead of constructing a new one. MUST BE float32 AND C CONTIGUOUS and have shape [...,ny,nx] where ... matches amps. * vmin: The lowest values to bother simulating. To avoid being terribly slow, profiles aren't evaluated out to infinite distance, but only once they drop down to a sufficiently low level, given by vmin. This takes into account the peak amplitud of each object, so it should be in map units. For example, it might be reasonable to have a vmin a few times lower than the noise level of the map, e.g. 0.1 µK. If not specified, then it defaults to min(abs(amps))*1e-3. * rmax: The maximum radius to use, in radians. Acts as a cap on the radius calculated from vmin. Not applied if None or 0. * op: What operation to use when combining the input map with each object. "add": Add linearly [default] "max": Keep the max value in each pixel "min": Keep the min value in each pixel * pixwin: Whether to apply a pixel window after simulating the objects. This assumes periodic boundary consitions, so objects at the very edge will be wrong. * separable: Whether the coordinate system's coordinate axes are indpendent, such that one only needs to know y in order to calculate dec, and x to calculate ra. This allows for much faster calculation of the pixel coordinates. Default "auto": True for cylindrical coordinates, False otherwise. * cache: Dictionary to use for caching pixel coordinates. Can be useful if you're doing repeated simulations on the same geometry with non-separable geometry, to avoid having to recalculate the pixel coordinates all the time. Returns the resulting map. If omap was specified, then the same object will be returned (after being updated of course). In this case, the simulated sources will have been added (or maxed etc. depending on op) into the map. Otherwise, the only signal in the map will be the objects.""" dtype = np.float32 # C extension only supports this dtype if separable == "auto": separable = wcsutils.is_cyl(wcs) # Object positions obj_decs = np.asanyarray(poss[0], dtype=dtype, order="C") obj_ras = np.asanyarray(poss[1], dtype=dtype, order="C") obj_ys, obj_xs = utils.nint(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, poss)).astype(np.int32) assert obj_decs.ndim == 1 and obj_ras.ndim == 1, "poss must be [{dec,ra},nobj]" nobj = len(obj_decs) # Object amplitudes, and number of components amps = np.asanyarray(amps, dtype=dtype, order="C") pre = amps.shape[:-1] amps_flat= amps.reshape(-1, amps.shape[-1]) ncomp = len(amps_flat) # Profiles. For point sources this would just be the beam, but extended objects # can have differnet profiles. We will support both [{r,b}] and [[{r,b}],[{r,b}],...] try: profile[0][0][0] except (TypeError, IndexError): profile = [profile] profile = [np.asanyarray(p, dtype=dtype, order="C") for p in profile] # If which profile to use isn't specified, default to the first one if prof_ids is None: prof_ids = np.zeros(nobj, np.int32) else: prof_ids = np.asanyarray(prof_ids, dtype=np.int32, order="C") if prof_equi == "auto": prof_equi = all([is_equi(prof[0]) for prof in profile]) # If user hasn't specified how faint things to simulate, then set the limit a bit # below the peak of the faintest object if vmin is None: vmin = np.min(np.abs(amps))*1e-3 if rmax is None: rmax = 0 # Set up the pixel coordinates if separable: posmap = utils.cache_get(cache, "posmap", lambda: enmap.posaxes(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)) else: posmap = utils.cache_get(cache, "posmap", lambda: enmap.posmap (shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)) # Set up our output map if omap is None: omap_flat = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape[-2:], wcs, dtype) else: omap_flat = omap.preflat assert omap_flat.dtype == dtype, "omap.dtype must be np.float32" assert omap_flat.shape == (ncomp,)+shape[-2:], "omap must be [...,ny,nx], where [ny,nx] agrees with shape, and ... agrees with amps" # Whew! Actually do the work times = srcsim.sim_objects(omap_flat, obj_decs, obj_ras, obj_ys, obj_xs, amps_flat, profile, prof_ids, posmap, vmin, rmax=rmax, separable=separable, transpose=transpose, prof_equi=prof_equi, return_times=True)[1] omap = omap_flat.reshape(pre+shape[-2:]) # NB! Since we're not padding, this fourier operation will have problems at the edges if pixwin: omap = enmap.apply_window(omap, order=pixwin_order) return (omap, times) if return_times else omap
[docs]def is_equi(r): """Estimate whether the values r[:] = arange(n)*delta, allowing for fast index calculations. This is just a heuristic, but it is hopefully reliable enough.""" return len(r) > 1 and r[0] == 0 and np.allclose(r[-1],(len(r)-1)*r[1])
[docs]def radial_sum(map, poss, bins, oprofs=None, separable="auto", prof_equi="auto", cache=None, return_times=False): """Sum the signal in map into radial bins around a set of objects, returning one radial sum-profile per object. Arguments: * map: The map to read data from. [...,ny,nx] * poss: The positions of the objects. [{dec,ra},nobj] in radians. * bins: The bin edges. [nbin+1]. Faster if equi-spaced with first at 0 Optional arguments: * oprofs: [obj,...,nbin] array to write result to. MUST BE float32 AND C CONTIGUOUS * separable: Whether the coordinate system's coordinate axes are indpendent, such that one only needs to know y in order to calculate dec, and x to calculate ra. This allows for much faster calculation of the pixel coordinates. Default "auto": True for cylindrical coordinates, False otherwise. * cache: Dictionary to use for caching pixel coordinates. Can be useful if you're doing repeated simulations on the same geometry with non-separable geometry, to avoid having to recalculate the pixel coordinates all the time. Returns the resulting profiles. If oprof was specified, then the same object will be returned (after being updated of course).""" dtype = np.float32 # C extension only supports this dtype if separable == "auto": separable = wcsutils.is_cyl(map.wcs) # Object positions obj_decs = np.asanyarray(poss[0], dtype=dtype, order="C") obj_ras = np.asanyarray(poss[1], dtype=dtype, order="C") obj_ys, obj_xs = utils.nint(map.sky2pix(poss)).astype(np.int32) assert obj_decs.ndim == 1 and obj_ras.ndim == 1, "poss must be [{dec,ra},nobj]" nobj = len(obj_decs) # map and number of components pre = map.shape[:-2] map_flat = map.preflat ncomp = len(map_flat) # bins bins = np.asarray(bins, dtype=dtype) nbin = len(bins)-1 prof_equi = is_equi(bins) if prof_equi == "auto" else prof_equi # Set up the pixel coordinates if separable: posmap = utils.cache_get(cache, "posmap", lambda: map.posaxes(dtype=dtype)) else: posmap = utils.cache_get(cache, "posmap", lambda: map.posmap (dtype=dtype)) # Set up our output if oprofs is None: oprofs = np.zeros((nobj,)+pre+(nbin,),dtype) oprofs_flat = oprofs.reshape(nobj,ncomp,nbin) assert oprofs_flat.dtype == dtype, "oprofs.dtype must be np.float32" # Whew! Actually do the work times = srcsim.radial_sum(map_flat, obj_decs, obj_ras, obj_ys, obj_xs, bins, posmap, profs=oprofs_flat, separable=separable, prof_equi=prof_equi, return_times=True)[1] return (oprofs, times) if return_times else oprofs
[docs]def radial_bin(map, poss, bins, weights=None, separable="auto", prof_equi="auto", cache=None, return_times=False): """Average the signal in map into radial bins for a set of objects, returning a radial profile for each object. Arguments: * map: The map to read data from. [...,ny,nx] * poss: The positions of the objects. [{dec,ra},nobj] in radians. * bins: The bin edges. [nbin+1]. Faster if equi-spaced with first at 0 Optional arguments: * oprofs: [obj,...,nbin] array to write result to. MUST BE float32 AND C CONTIGUOUS * separable: Whether the coordinate system's coordinate axes are indpendent, such that one only needs to know y in order to calculate dec, and x to calculate ra. This allows for much faster calculation of the pixel coordinates. Default "auto": True for cylindrical coordinates, False otherwise. * cache: Dictionary to use for caching pixel coordinates. Can be useful if you're doing repeated simulations on the same geometry with non-separable geometry, to avoid having to recalculate the pixel coordinates all the time. Returns the resulting profiles. If oprof was specified, then the same object will be returned (after being updated of course).""" if weights is not None: map = map*weights profs, times1 = radial_sum(map, poss, bins, separable=separable, prof_equi=prof_equi, cache=cache, return_times=True) if weights is None: weights = enmap.ones(map.shape[-2:], map.wcs, map.dtype) div, times2 = radial_sum(weights, poss, bins, separable=separable, prof_equi=prof_equi, cache=cache, return_times=True) # Add dimensions to div if necessary to make them broadcast. # For more complex broadcasting, prepare the shapes of map and weights manually div = div.reshape(profs.shape[:1]+(1,)*(profs.ndim-div.ndim)+profs.shape[-1:]) profs /= div times = np.concatenate([times1,times2]) return (profs, times) if return_times else profs
[docs]def sim_srcs(shape, wcs, srcs, beam, omap=None, dtype=None, nsigma=5, rmax=None, vmin=None, smul=1, return_padded=False, pixwin=False, pixwin_order=0, op=np.add, wrap="auto", verbose=False, cache=None, separable="auto", method="c"): """Backwards compatibility wrapper that exposes the speed of the new sim_objects function using the old sim_srcs interface. For most users this should result in a transparent speedup of O(10x), but sim_objects does not implement 100% of the sim_srcs functionality, so the old python method is also available by specifying method = "python". Limitations of the new version: * only float32, C-contiguous maps supported * smul not supported * padding not supported, which impacts objects at the very edge of the map if pixwin is used * only add, max and min supported for 'op' Unlike sim_srcs, sim_objects supports simulating objects with multiple different profiles at once, but this functionality isn't available through the sim_srcs interface. I recommend using sim_objects directly instead of relying on this wrapper in most cases. """ if method in ["c", "C"]: assert dtype is None or dtype == np.float32, "method 'c' only supports float32. Use method='python' if you need others" assert smul == 1, "method 'c' does not support smul != 1. Use method='python' if you need this" if vmin is None: vmin = np.exp(-0.5*nsigma**2) if op == np.add or op == np.ndarray.__iadd__ or op == "add": op_ = "add" elif op == np.max or op == "max": op_ = "max" elif op == np.min or op == "min": op_ = "min" else: raise ValueError("method 'c' only supports op add, max or min. Use method='python' if you need more") if return_padded: raise ValueError("method 'c' does not support return_padded. Use method=='python' if you need this") ncomp =[:-2], dtype=int) nobj = len(srcs) poss = srcs.T[:2] amps = np.zeros((ncomp,nobj), np.float32) amps[:srcs.shape[1]-2] = srcs.T[2:2+ncomp] amps = amps.reshape(shape[:-2]+(nobj,)) # Handle beam = float, in which case a gaussian beam is made beam = expand_beam(beam, nsigma, rmax) return sim_objects(shape, wcs, poss, amps, beam, omap=omap, vmin=vmin, rmax=rmax, op=op, pixwin=pixwin, pixwin_order=0, separable=separable, cache=cache) elif method == "python": return sim_srcs_python(shape, wcs, srcs, beam, omap=omap, dtype=dtype, nsigma=nsigma, rmax=rmax, smul=smul, return_padded=return_padded, pixwin=pixwin, pixwin_order=pixwin_order, op=op, wrap=wrap, verbose=verbose, cache=cache, separable=separable)
[docs]def sim_srcs_python(shape, wcs, srcs, beam, omap=None, dtype=None, nsigma=5, rmax=None, smul=1, return_padded=False, pixwin=False, pixwin_order=0, op=np.add, wrap="auto", verbose=False, cache=None, separable="auto"): """Simulate a point source map in the geometry given by shape, wcs for the given srcs[nsrc,{dec,ra,T...}], using the beam[{r,val},npoint], which must be equispaced. If omap is specified, the sources will be added to it in place. All angles are in radians. The beam is only evaluated up to the point where it reaches exp(-0.5*nsigma**2) unless rmax is specified, in which case this gives the maximum radius. smul gives a factor to multiply the resulting source model by. This is mostly useful in conction with omap. The source simulation is sped up by using a source lookup grid. """ if separable == "auto": separable = wcsutils.is_cyl(wcs) if omap is None: omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype) ishape = omap.shape omap = omap.preflat ncomp = omap.shape[0] srcs = np.asarray(srcs) # Set up wrapping if utils.streq(wrap, "auto"): wrap = [0, utils.nint(360./wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])] # In keeping with the rest of the functions here, srcs is [nsrc,{dec,ra,T,Q,U}]. # The beam parameters are ignored - the beam argument is used instead amps = srcs[:,2:2+ncomp] poss = srcs[:,:2].copy() # Rewind positions to let us use flat-sky approximation for distance calculations ref = np.mean(, wcs, corner=False)[:,1]) poss[:,1] = utils.rewind(poss[:,1], ref) beam = expand_beam(beam, nsigma, rmax) if not rmax: rmax = nsigma2rmax(beam, nsigma) # Pad our map by rmax, so we get the contribution from sources # just ourside our area. We will later split our map into cells of size cres. Let's # adjust the padding so we have a whole number of cells minshape = np.min(omap[...,5:-5:10,5:-5:10].pixshapemap()/10,(-2,-1)) cres = np.maximum(1,utils.nint(rmax/minshape)) epix = cres-(omap.shape[-2:]+2*cres)%cres padding = [cres,cres+epix] wmap, wslice = enmap.pad(omap, padding, return_slice=True) # Overall we will have this many grid cells cshape = wmap.shape[-2:]//cres # Find out which sources matter for which cells srcpix = wmap.sky2pix(poss.T).T pixbox= np.array([[0,0],wmap.shape[-2:]],int) nhit, cell_srcs = build_src_cells(pixbox, srcpix, cres, wrap=wrap) # Optionally cache the posmap if cache is None or cache[0] is None: posmap = wmap.posmap(separable=separable) else: posmap = cache[0] if cache is not None: cache[0] = posmap model = eval_srcs_loop(posmap, poss, amps, beam, cres, nhit, cell_srcs, dtype=wmap.dtype, op=op, verbose=verbose) del posmap if pixwin: model = enmap.apply_window(model, order=pixwin_order) # Update our work map, through our view if smul != 1: model *= smul wmap = op(wmap, model, wmap) if not return_padded: # Copy out omap[:] = wmap[wslice] # Restore shape omap = omap.reshape(ishape) return omap else: return wmap.reshape(ishape[:-2]+wmap.shape[-2:]), wslice
[docs]def eval_srcs_loop(posmap, poss, amps, beam, cres, nhit, cell_srcs, dtype=np.float64, op=np.add, verbose=False): # Loop through each cell ncy, ncx = nhit.shape model = enmap.zeros(amps.shape[-1:]+posmap.shape[-2:], posmap.wcs, dtype) for cy in range(ncy): for cx in range(ncx): nsrc = nhit[cy,cx] if verbose and nsrc > 0: print("map cell %5d/%d with %5d srcs" % (cy*ncx+cx+1, ncy*ncx, nsrc)) if nsrc == 0: continue srcs = cell_srcs[cy,cx,:nsrc] y1,y2 = (cy+0)*cres[0], (cy+1)*cres[0] x1,x2 = (cx+0)*cres[1], (cx+1)*cres[1] pixpos = posmap[:,y1:y2,x1:x2] srcpos = poss[srcs].T # [2,nsrc] srcamp = amps[srcs].T # [ncomp,nsrc] r = utils.angdist(pixpos[::-1,None,:,:],srcpos[::-1,:,None,None]) bpix = (r - beam[0,0])/(beam[0,1]-beam[0,0]) # Evaluate the beam at these locations bval = utils.interpol(beam[1], bpix[None], mode="constant", order=1, mask_nan=False) # [nsrc,ry,rx] cmodel = srcamp[:,:,None,None]*bval cmodel = op.reduce(cmodel,-3) op(model[:,y1:y2,x1:x2], cmodel, model[:,y1:y2,x1:x2]) return model
[docs]def sim_srcs_dist_transform(shape, wcs, srcs, beam, omap=None, dtype=None, nsigma=4, rmax=None, smul=1, pixwin=False, ignore_outside=False, op=np.add, verbose=False): """Simulate a point source map in the geometry given by shape, wcs for the given srcs[nsrc,{dec,ra,T...}], using the beam[{r,val},npoint], which must be equispaced. Unlike sim_srcs, overalpping point sources are not supported. If omap is specified, the sources will be added to it in place. All angles are in radians. The beam is only evaluated up to the point where it reaches exp(-0.5*nsigma**2) unless rmax is specified, in which case this gives the maximum radius. smul gives a factor to multiply the resulting source model by. This is mostly useful in conction with omap. """ if omap is None: omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype) ishape = omap.shape omap = omap.preflat ncomp = omap.shape[0] # In keeping with the rest of the functions here, srcs is [nsrc,{dec,ra,T,Q,U}]. # The beam parameters are ignored - the beam argument is used instead amps = srcs[:,2:2+ncomp] poss = srcs[:,:2].copy() br, bv = expand_beam(beam, nsigma, rmax).copy() rmax = nsigma2rmax(beam, nsigma) if ignore_outside: pixs = enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, poss.T[:2]) pmax = 2*rmax/enmap.pixsize(shape, wcs)**0.5 bad = np.any(pixs < -pmax, 0) | np.any(pixs > np.array(shape[-2:])[:,None]+pmax, 0) amps, poss = amps[~bad], poss[~bad] r, domains = enmap.distance_from(shape, wcs, poss.T[:2], domains=True, rmax=rmax) np.clip(domains, 0, amps.shape[0]-1, domains) for i in range(ncomp): op(omap[i], np.interp(r, br, bv, right=0) * amps[domains,i], omap[i]) omap = omap.reshape(ishape) return omap
[docs]def expand_beam(beam, nsigma=5, rmax=None, nper=400): beam = np.asarray(beam) if beam.ndim == 0: # Build gaussian beam sigma = beam.reshape(-1)[0] if rmax is None: rmax = sigma*nsigma r = np.linspace(0,rmax,nsigma*nper) return np.array([r,np.exp(-0.5*(r/sigma)**2)]) elif beam.ndim == 2: return beam else: raise ValueError
[docs]def nsigma2rmax(beam, nsigma): return beam[0,np.where(beam[1] >= np.exp(-0.5*nsigma**2))[0][-1]]
[docs]def build_src_cells(cbox, srcpos, cres, unwind=False, wrap=None): # srcpos is [nsrc,...,{dec,ra}]. Reshape to 3d to keep things simple. # will reshape back when returning cbox = np.asarray(cbox) srcpos = np.asarray(srcpos) ishape = srcpos.shape srcpos = srcpos.reshape(ishape[0],-1,ishape[-1]) cshape = tuple(np.ceil(((cbox[1]-cbox[0])/cres)).astype(int)) if unwind: # Make the sources' ra compatible with our area ref = np.mean(cbox[:,1],0) srcpos[:,...,1] = utils.rewind(srcpos[:,...,1], ref) # How big must our cell hit array be? nmax = max(1,np.max(build_src_cells_helper(cbox, cshape, cres, srcpos, wrap=wrap))) ncell, cells = build_src_cells_helper(cbox, cshape, cres, srcpos, nmax, wrap=wrap) # Reshape back to original shape ncell = ncell.reshape(ishape[1:-1]+ncell.shape[1:]) cells = cells.reshape(ishape[1:-1]+cells.shape[1:]) return ncell, cells
[docs]def build_src_cells_helper(cbox, cshape, cres, srcpos, nmax=0, wrap=None): # A cell is hit if it overlaps both horizontally and vertically # with the point source +- cres nsrc, nmid = srcpos.shape[:2] # ncell is [:,ncy,ncx] ncell = np.zeros((nmid,)+cshape,np.int32) if nmax > 0: cells = np.zeros((nmid,)+cshape+(nmax,),np.int32) c0 = cbox[0]; inv_dc = cshape/(cbox[1]-cbox[0]).astype(float) # Set up wrapping. The woff variable will contain the set of coordinate offsets we will try if wrap is None: wrap = [0,0] woffs = [] for i, w in enumerate(wrap): if w == 0: woffs.append([0]) else: woffs.append([-w,0,+w]) for si in range(nsrc): for mi in range(nmid): pos = srcpos[si,mi] for woffy in woffs[0]: for woffx in woffs[1]: wpos = pos[:2] + np.array([woffy,woffx]) i1 = (wpos[:2]-cres-c0)*inv_dc i2 = (wpos[:2]+cres-c0)*inv_dc+1 # +1 because this is a half-open interval # Don't try to update out of bounds i1 = np.maximum(i1.astype(int), 0) i2 = np.minimum(i2.astype(int), np.array(cshape)) # Skip sources that don't hit our area at all if np.any(i1 >= cshape) or np.any(i2 < 0): continue for cy in range(i1[0],i2[0]): for cx in range(i1[1],i2[1]): if nmax > 0: cells[mi,cy,cx,ncell[mi,cy,cx]] = si ncell[mi,cy,cx] += 1 if nmax > 0: return ncell, cells else: return ncell
[docs]def cellify(map, res): """Given a map [...,ny,nx] and a cell resolution [ry,rx], return map reshaped into a cell grid [...,ncelly,ncellx,ry,rx]. The map will be truncated if necessary""" res = np.array(res,int) cshape = map.shape[-2:]//res omap = map[...,:cshape[0]*res[0],:cshape[1]*res[1]] omap = omap.reshape(omap.shape[:-2]+(cshape[0],res[0],cshape[1],res[1])) omap = utils.moveaxis(omap, -3, -2) return omap
[docs]def uncellify(cmap): omap = utils.moveaxis(cmap, -2, -3) omap = omap.reshape(omap.shape[:-4]+(omap.shape[-4]*omap.shape[-3],omap.shape[-2]*omap.shape[-1])) return omap
#### Cross-matching ####
[docs]def crossmatch(srcs1, srcs2, tol=1*utils.arcmin, safety=4): """Cross-match two source catalogs based on position. Each source in one catalog is associated with the closest source in the other catalog, as long as the distance between them is less than the tolerance. The catalogs must be [:,{ra,dec,...}] in radians. Returns [nmatch,2], with the last index giving the index in the first and second catalog for each match.""" vec1 = utils.ang2rect(srcs1[:,:2], axis=1) vec2 = utils.ang2rect(srcs2[:,:2], axis=1) tree1 = spatial.cKDTree(vec1) tree2 = spatial.cKDTree(vec2) groups = tree1.query_ball_tree(tree2, tol*safety) matches = [] for gi, group in enumerate(groups): if len(group) == 0: continue # Get the true distance to each member in the group group = np.array(group) dists = utils.vec_angdist(vec1[gi,None,:], vec2[group,:], axis=1) best = np.argmin(dists) if dists[best] > tol: continue matches.append([gi, group[best]]) matches = np.array(matches) return matches
#### Source parameter I/O #### # These functions are messy and should be cleaned up before general consumption # Be warned if you choose to use them - they might be removed or changed in future # releases.
[docs]def read(fname, format="auto"): if format == "auto": formats = ["dory_fits","dory_txt","fits","nemo","simple"] else: formats = [format] for f in formats: try: if f == "dory_fits":return read_dory_fits(fname) elif f == "dory_txt": return read_dory_txt(fname) elif f == "fits": return read_fits(fname) elif f == "nemo": return read_nemo(fname) elif f == "simple": return read_simple(fname) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized point source format '%s' for file '%s'" % (f, fname)) except (ValueError, IOError, OSError) as e: pass raise IOError("Unable to read point source file '%s' with format '%s'" % (fname, f))
[docs]def read_nemo(fname): """Reads the nemo ascii catalog format, and returns it as a recarray.""" idtype = [("name","2S64"),("ra","d"),("dec","d"),("snr","d"),("npix","i"),("detfrac","d"),("template","S32"),("glat","d"),("I","d"), ("dI","d")] try: icat = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=idtype) except (ValueError, IndexError) as e: idtype = [("name","2S64"),("ra","d"),("dec","d"),("snr","d"),("npix","i"),("template","S32"),("glat","d"),("I","d"), ("dI","d")] try: icat = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=idtype) except (ValueError, IndexError) as e: raise IOError(e.args[0]) odtype = [("name","S64"),("ra","d"),("dec","d"),("snr","d"),("I","d"),("dI","d"),("npix","i"),("template","S32"),("glat","d")] ocat = np.zeros(len(icat), odtype).view(np.recarray) = np.char.add(*icat["name"].T) for t in odtype[1:]: ocat[t[0]] = icat[t[0]] return ocat
[docs]def read_simple(fname): try: cat = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=[("ra","d"),("dec","d"),("I","d"),("dI","d")], usecols=range(4), ndmin=1).view(np.recarray) except ValueError: try: cat = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=[("ra","d"),("dec","d"),("I","d")], usecols=range(3), ndmin=1).view(np.recarray) except ValueError as e: raise IOError(e.args[0]) cat.ra *= cat.dec *= return cat
[docs]def read_dory_fits(fname, hdu=1): d =[hdu].data ocat = np.zeros(len(d), dtype=[("ra","d"),("dec","d"),("I","d"),("Q","d"),("U","d")]).view(np.recarray) ocat.ra = d.ra * ocat.dec = d.dec * ocat.I, ocat.Q, ocat.U = d.amp.T*1e3 return ocat
[docs]def read_dory_txt(fname): try: d = np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=[0,1,3,5,7], dtype=[("ra","d"),("dec","d"),("I","d"),("Q","d"),("U","d")]).view(np.recarray).reshape(-1) d.I *= 1e3; d.Q *= 1e3; d.U *= 1e3 return d except (ValueError, IndexError) as e: raise IOError(e.args[0])
[docs]def read_fits(fname, hdu=1, fix=True): d =[hdu].data if fix: d = translate_dtype_keys(d, {"RADeg":"ra","decDeg":"dec","deltaT_c":"I","err_deltaT_c":"dI"}) return d.view(np.recarray)
# Sauron catalog formats. I really need to come up with some once-and-for-all catalog format!
[docs]def format_sauron(cat): nfield, ncomp = cat.flux.shape[-2:] names = "TQU" header = "#%8s %8s %9s" % ("ra", "dec", "snr_T") for i in range(1,ncomp): header += " %8s" % ("snr_"+names[i]) for i in range(ncomp): header += " %8s %7s" % ("ftot_"+names[i], "dftot_"+names[i]) for i in range(nfield): for j in range(ncomp): header += " %8s %7s" % ("flux_"+names[j]+"%d"%(i+1), "dflux_"+names[j]+"%d"%(i+1)) header += " %2s" % "ca" for i in range(nfield): header += " %7s" % ("cont_%d" % (i+1)) header += "\n" res = "" for i in range(len(cat)): res += "%9.4f %8.4f" % (cat.ra[i]/, cat.dec[i]/ snr = cat.snr[i].reshape(-1) res += " %9.2f" % snr[0] + " %7.2f"*(len(snr)-1) % tuple(snr[1:]) flux = cat. flux_tot[i].reshape(-1) dflux= cat.dflux_tot[i].reshape(-1) for j in range(len(flux)): res += " %8.2f %7.2f" % (flux[j], dflux[j]) flux = cat. flux[i].reshape(-1) dflux= cat.dflux[i].reshape(-1) for j in range(len(flux)): res += " %8.2f %7.2f" % (flux[j], dflux[j]) try: res += " %2d" % ([i]) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass try: for j in range(len(cat.contam[i])): res += " %7.2f" % (cat.contam[i,j]) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass res += "\n" return header + res
[docs]def write_sauron(ofile, cat): if ofile.endswith(".fits"): write_sauron_fits(ofile, cat) else: write_sauron_txt (ofile, cat)
[docs]def read_sauron(ifile): if ifile.endswith(".fits"): return read_sauron_fits(ifile) else: return read_sauron_txt(ifile)
[docs]def write_sauron_fits(ofile, cat): from import fits ocat = cat.copy() for field in ["ra","dec"]: ocat[field] /= # angles in degrees hdu = fits.hdu.table.BinTableHDU(ocat) hdu.writeto(ofile, overwrite=True)
[docs]def read_sauron_fits(fname): from import fits hdu =[1] cat = np.asarray( for field in ["ra","dec"]: cat[field] *= # deg -> rad return cat
[docs]def write_sauron_txt(ofile, cat): with open(ofile, "w") as ofile: ofile.write(format_sauron(cat))
[docs]def read_sauron_txt(ifile, ncomp=3): raw = np.loadtxt(ifile, ndmin=2) nrow, ncol = raw.shape nfreq = (ncol-2-ncomp-1)//(2*ncomp+1) cat_dtype = [("ra", "d"), ("dec", "d"), ("snr", "d", (ncomp,)), ("flux_tot", "d", (ncomp,)), ("dflux_tot", "d", (ncomp,)), ("flux", "d", (nfreq,ncomp)), ("dflux", "d", (nfreq,ncomp)), ("case", "i"), ("contam", "d", (nfreq,))] ocat = np.zeros(nrow, cat_dtype).view(np.recarray) ocat.ra, ocat.dec, raw = raw[:,0]*, raw[:,1]*, raw[:,2:] ocat.snr, raw = raw[:,:ncomp], raw[:,ncomp:] ocat.flux_tot, ocat.dflux_tot, raw = raw[:,0:2*ncomp:2], raw[:,1:2*ncomp:2], raw[:,2*ncomp:] ocat.flux, ocat.dflux, raw = raw[:,0:2*ncomp*nfreq:2].reshape(-1,nfreq,ncomp), raw[:,1:2*ncomp*nfreq:2].reshape(-1,nfreq,ncomp), raw[:,2*ncomp*nfreq:], raw = raw[:,0], raw[:,1:] ocat.contam = raw[:,:nfreq] return ocat
[docs]def translate_dtype_keys(d, translation): descr = [(name if name not in translation else translation[name], char) for (name, char) in d.dtype.descr] return np.asarray(d, descr)
[docs]def src2param(srcs): """Translate recarray srcs into the source fromat used for tod-level point source operations.""" params = np.zeros(srcs.shape + (8,)) params[:,0] = srcs.dec * # yes, dec first params[:,1] = srcs.ra * params[:,2] = srcs.I if "Q" in srcs.dtype.names: params[:,3] = srcs.Q if "U" in srcs.dtype.names: params[:,4] = srcs.U # These are not used params[:,5] = 1 # x-scaling params[:,6] = 1 # y-scaling params[:,7] = 0 # angle return params